Meet the Team

Ali Ford


Ali has a passion for helping her patients reach their optimal health as quickly as possible. She uses many different hands-on methods including Massage, Manipulation, Laser Therapy, Clinical Pilates, and CranioSacral Therapy to achieve this goal. Ali loves to empower her patients with knowledge and skills to help them on this journey.


Martin Ford


Martin enjoys treating his patients with a wide variety of hands-on techniques including Massage, Manipulations, Laser Therapy and Acupuncture. He has a extensive repertoire of knowledge and skills and will offer you all that you need during your treatment session.


Geoff Ford


Geoff is passionate about seeing his patients reach their health goals especially regarding strength and overall health. His own private practice is called Be-Strong Physio. He’s a great educator so will leave you with lots of knowledge about your health and how you can take control of it. He offers Telehealth sessions only at this stage.


Kathryn Holzberger


Kathryn has been working as a physio for 10 years in Hospitals as well as in Private Practice. She is returning to working as a physiotherapist after a prolonged Maternity Leave as she has two little daughters just 13 months apart in age. Her passion is treating a wide variety of patients and she has a diverse range of skills including Clinical Pilates and Dry Needling.

She spent 11 years rowing competitively, including rowing overseas for the university, and brings this experience into her physiotherapy practice.

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